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Feb 14, 2019

Here's introducing the Capitalmind Podcast: Of strange things in the financial markets, with Deepak Shenoy and Shray Chandra.

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Today's episode, the very first, is about the concern in debt markets and the hit that debt mutual funds are taking. We'll talk about:

  • What's going on in debt mutual funds and why the four letter word LOSS is staring investors in the face
  • What parallels have we seen in the past for this, in India and globally
  • What are investors supposed to do now, and how they can navigate through this situation
  • Does it get worse before it gets better? The implications for the Zee promoters, IL&FS and DHFL debt.

Listen in for more, and do visit for further information. If you'd like to invest with us, check out . 

Disclaimer: Capitalmind and customers or employees of Capitalmind may have positions in securities mentioned in the podcast. No information in the podcast should be taken as investment advice, and is for informational purposes only.